Operation "Quicksand", 21 arrests in the Lineri clan

Anti- mafia operation by the Catania police, coordinated by the DDA, disrupts the Lineri clan of the Santapaola-Ercolano mafia association. Hundreds of agents, assisted by special departments, have carried out a precautionary custody order against dozens of members of a Cosa Nostra group specializing in extortions requests to entrepreneurs and traders. About twenty companies have been freed from 'pizzo' after years of 'extortion'. The operation was triggered this morning by delegation of the Etna prosecutor by the Catania State Police. In prison 21 suspected of being part of the Cosa Nostra of the Santapaola - Ercolano clan . Among the charges, mafia-type association, extortion, attempted robbery, receiving stolen goods, fictitious registration of assets.