Originally Posted by DuesPaid
Originally Posted by Irishman12
Originally Posted by Giacalone
Meditation has truly changed my life. DP is spot on. Start with the basics. I like to start my mornings with a meditation because it's much easier to slow your brainwaves down.

How did you learn this technique though? Online class, YouTube, local class, etc?

I can send you a zoom link that can teach you or follow this as a begging Lessing……..

Sit in a Easy seated pose facing East or West. ON THE FLOOR.
Close your eyes and place your hands wherever most comfortable but I’d rather them on your lap or palms facing up on each knee.

Breathe in for 1. 2 3, 4…Hold at the top for a second
Breathe out for 5,6,7.8…Hold hold at the bottom of your breath for a moment.\\

This is conscious breathing and breath work….. repeat this for 3-6 reps or more before continuing on to your own conscious variation of breath for another 5 - 15 mins while remaining still and claiming your own time in your life in this day to clear your mind and thoughts for a rebuild of your own well being.
Your Breath , Body and Mind need to know each other.

Claiming your Breath will Free your Mind.

I wouldn't mind trying the link. That's DP!

Finished dinner, now having some whiskey.