Mafia, the repentant: "Messina Denaro made a pact with the 'Ndrangheta"
The background revealed by the collaborator of justice.
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TURIN- "In 2015 Matteo Messina Denaro and other Cosa Nostra bosses had made a pact with the bosses of the 'Ndrangheta to 'work together and become one family'". These are the words of a collaborator of justice heard by the Turin prosecutor's office in the context of the Carminius-Fenice maxi-trial on the presence of organized crime in the Carmagnola area. The judges of the court of Asti reported them in the reasons for the sentence pronounced last June (sixteen convictions and eleven acquittals). Precisely in Carmagnola and in the surrounding areas, according to the pentito, the agreement became operational: the men of Cosa Nostra and the 'Ndrangheta worked together.

“How much does a man of honor weigh? What foot size do you wear? How many horses do you have?”. It is a kind of quiz that was imposed on a man, now a collaborator of justice, when the bosses evaluated his return to the Cosa Nostra. This is what he himself told the Turin DDA. His statements converged in the Carminius-Fenice maxi-trial, celebrated by the court of Asti, on the presence of the 'Ndrangheta in the Carmagnola area (Turin). The man (considered "overall credible" by the Asti judges) explained that in the past, before his arrest, he had been an affiliate of Cosa Nostra, and that, when Carmagnola arrived, he was presented with a boss who, knowing the his past, he decided to put him back in the organization. First, however, he was subjected to a kind of test: in March 2016 he was required to carry out thefts of motor hoes to be sent to Calabria and to deal with drug and weapons transfers. Then came the time for the three questions to which he gave "the correct answer". A man of honor weighs "like a feather scattered in the wind"; his foot number is "the right one to account for this honored company"; as for the horses, it is "the right horse to account for this honored family". The man said he began to reflect on a possible collaboration with justice in November 2017, when six hand grenades were brought to Carmagnola to be used for an attack "on a person disliked by the organization of whom, however, I know nothing" , and feared being involved "in a massacre".

Last edited by Hollander; 12/17/22 01:03 AM.

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