To this very day, as I write this post, there are plenty of wiseguys who still dress extremely sharp. Especially when they're going somewhere that requires it (out to eat, to nightclubs, weddings, important business meetings, etc). And then of course there are the guys who like to dress more casual. And then you always have your percentage of slobs, who dress like shit because they have no style, no class, and don't know any better. Or are broke and walk around like broken-down-valises...That will never change!

But isn't that also the way the general public is as well nowadays? And has, in fact, always been like that. Of course it is.

In general, John-Q-Public, isn't dressing as formally as people did decades back, like in the 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, etc. Women don't wear formal skirts and dresses on a daily basis as females did back then, and men don't wear suits with white shits and ties every single day as their "go to" attire. It's a vastly different world.

It all started to change a bit with the hippy social revolution of the late 1960s, early 1970s. During the late 1970s, into the 1980s (during the disco and club era, it made somewhat of a comeback). But as the years went by, more and more people in general began to dress more casually. Mob guys followed suit. After all, the mob is just a microcosm of the larger world out there, they too are influenced by current trends and styles, no? Or course they are. They live in the same world as everybody else. Just because they make their living a bit different from the crowd, doesn't mean they're not influenced by what goes on around them.