Originally Posted by RushStreet
Look all we are asking is they dress like Italians. Look at how people dress in Italy, all about fashion over there with designer clothing. The young Italian Americans should take their advice.

Americans tend to over-romanticize Italy and Europe in general.

Italy is not stuck in the 60s.

Young Italians dress as causally and rap-influenced as young Italian-Americans. Especially in the urban areas. Half of my family lives there and the “ragazzi” all look like gangbangers from French hoods, with tight gym pants with hoodies. Take a look at the massive “trap” music scene. It’s where 90% of Italians aged 15-27 take their fashion cues for when they’re hanging out. My youngest cousins dress in light grey jogging pants even at school!

Take a look at some pictures of any young wannabes or associate of Italian criminal groups (from Rome’s gangs to the Camorra) and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

There was even a big gossip “scandal” a few years ago when a made guy berated a youngster he mentored when he went to get his button wearing jeans. I think it happened in Palermo.