I am pretty sure he took over the Berg crew which was a really big crew that brought in cash.
When he got knocked by the feds, his son took over the crew.
Jr. was in the shelf not sure about his status today.
Looks like he needed to be checked and he was, I don’t think his offense was a life time shelf.
So they probably let him back in not as a capo he is going to have to pay his dues when he is taken off the shelf.
At that point we’ll see if he was who he was because he was given the crew or he was able to build it up on his own again.
They will probably let Junior Gotti back in? Haha it amazes me how little some of you know about this life. Jr is persona non grata. As good as dead. You don't talk to the feds and rejoin

I was not talking about Gotti Jr.
I was referring to Trucchio Jr
I said I thought Trucchio Jr took over the Bergin from his dad when he dad Ronnie One Arm got life in prison.
I said he was handed a big crew I am not sure if thy is the only reason he made money or he was to generate money on his own.
I read he was put on the shelf for disrespecting Corrozzo, I also heard he got smacked up while he was locked for the same offense.
I do not think disrespecting Corrozzo should be a life time Shelfing, so at some point they will prob let him back in.
Not as a capo just a plain old
Button man, at that point when they let him back in with out a crew we will see if he has money making skills.
Nothing to do Gotti Jr, was just being lazy instead typing his name I typed Jr.