Senator M5s Scarpinato: "Messina Denaro obeyed the order to be arrested".
The former magistrate: Salvatore Baiardo? He is the mouthpiece of the mafia

Matteo Messina Denaro was not "sold" by Cosa Nostra. But he simply obeyed the order to get himself arrested. This was stated by the senator of the 5 Star Movement and former magistrate Roberto Scarpinato in an interview with Tg1 . According to Scarpinato the last of the Corleonesi began to make a series of rookie mistakes. It was inevitable that sooner or later he would be captured. It's not that Matteo Messina Denaro was no longer the boss. But there is a structure that goes beyond Matteo Messina Denaro who says "it's closed, it's over, this is the moment when you have to get yourself arrested". And even Matteo Messina Denaro must obey». According to the senator «mafiosi never flaunt their wealth. On the contrary, they appear humble, they have never owned luxury cars. The ostentation of luxury, on the contrary, is counterproductive». Instead the boss «had a good life, he lived abroad. Only at the last minute did he find himself in this village. He knows the massacres of '92 and '93. It enjoyed a very high-level protection network, managed to escape a moment before the arrest and the investigations showed that he was warned by the same investigators who were to arrest him». While Salvatore Baiardo , who had spoken of his illness, «is the spokesman for the mafia. He speaks on TV and announces that Matteo Messina Denaro will be arrested . And yet he stays where he was. There is something wrong".