Trying For A Holiday Mob Kill: Drive-By Shooting At Joe Cammarano, Jr.’s Long Island Residence Occurred Just Before Christmas

Originally Posted by CT-CT r/Mafia

Highlights from behind the paywall:

- According to sources in Nassau County, Bonanno crime family boss Michael (Mikey Nose) Mancuso ordered Cammarano, Jr.’s house in Long Island to be shot at around Xmas 2022; the house sustained significant damage

- apparently reported the drive by shooting around 12/19/22 (edit -- I think this is the article SB is referring to:

- Police spokesmen indicated in a statement that this was not a random act of violence but rather an apparent specific targeting of this residence; no one has thus far been arrested

- In addition, a Cammarano brothers’ business was vandalized (? firebombed) sometime after the drive by, although unclear if this was reported in any news outlets for confirmation

- Mancuso apparently remains enraged from the Summer 2022 fight between his men, the Cammaranos, and associated bikers that took place at a funeral home (which seemed to be the major the spark for the current beef)