I'd have to agree - it's no loss for the government who can at least say they're taking another pass at this cold case, and for Franzese - this just generates headlines for him and helps with his speaking tour - even this article gives the time and date of his next appearance. I'm sure the crowd will be full of sycophants lapping it all up.

I can't imagine what Franzese could possibly know about this event that would only be coming out now. I would certainly eat my words if they end up finding Jimmy's body, but I won't be holding my breath.

It's like listening to Kuklinski - he just can't resist inserting himself into more and more outlandish scenes. Pretty soon he'll be appearing in Dealey Plaza to reveal where the fatal JFK headshot came from and in another year or two he'll be at Ford's Theatre claiming that John Wilkes Booth was a capo in the Lucchese family.

Originally Posted by VitoCahill
what at all would franzese even know?
the colombo family has NEVER come up when investigating the hoffa hit. NEVER NOT ONCE.
was franzese even made in 1975? would his father have told him if sonny ever even knew?
franzese is now like KOSMO KRAMER from seinfeld after he sold all his good stories to mr. peterman. trying to come up with something anything good that someone will listen to.
seems to me whoever did the hit is dead and the mafia as a whole has been good at not spreading the truth over the last almost 50 years. all investigations come back to...frank sheeran,tony giacolone,tony provenzano. so bufalino/philadelphia,detroit and the genovese. these are the 3 groups that constantly come up.
why even bother with this guy franzese i'm done!