What he used to try and hang his hat on was he never testified against any members of O.C. which is true.

He ratted on businessmen and a politician etc.

He did do a dime piece and if he wanted to outright RAT, he could have flipped and gave up the whole Colombo admin, his dad and other families as well, he would have done ZERO Jail time.

The part that makes no sense to me is that Persico, never went after him, Persico back then would have you killed in 2 seconds flat, I was found that odd.

The only theory I can come up with is maybe Franzesse, sent Persico an "OFF THE BOOKS" package, with a message I'll never return, Ill never hurt you, take this and please let me be.

If Franzesse made 1'2 of what they said he made, that would have been the smart move, to try and buy a pass for $500K