Ola 'bumped' into Fredo in Beverly Hills -- to sound out and fuel Fredo's stepped over! resentment and for Fredo's “little help”? for “something in it for me -- on my own” reward
Ola's phone call to Fredo was a warning, veiled threat “Your brother's not going to find out we talked” Don't go squealing or else....and also to reassure Fredo "Just go along, everything will be alright"
and to let us, the audience know who is the traitor in the family
I don't believe, Ola's phone call to Fredo was because Ola "thinks that Fredo has ways of gaining insights into the Corleone family that could be helpful to Roth" Fredo didn't have any for the Havana deal
Besides I believe, Ola would have known that Fredo wouldn't even know there was a Pentangeli-Rosatos meeting, let alone....