Originally Posted by streetbossliborio
Fat cat FLIPPED then served 30/40 years. If manna flipped he would’ve been out within 2 years if he gave up chin and the west side admin.

Sammy 19 murders got 5. Then was an E kingpin and still got out before death.

They were even going to let gaspipe the serial killer out if he wasn’t such a fuck up.

Mobsters will get all the privileges above anyone else but they have to flip.

Not advocating for anyone’s release - if you’re a killer key should be thrown away IMO

He killed 2 cops, if Gravano or Massino had done that they would have never gotten their deals. Plus it seems the only people given those deals are Mafia members who agree to rat. If Fat Cat Nichols said Gotti JR. was his partner in killing cops he would be in Arizona living it up.