The strength and power of the Cleveland Family came from having their hands
In the Teamsters and local Unions.and this was nearly 50 years ago.
You gents have to remember when John Scalish was in
Power up until his death, the never expanded the families
Revenue stream beyond him controlling Bill and Jackie
Presser and Teamsters and Vegas skim.

Scalish was more concerned about making sure his own
Blood family was financially secure than his LCN family.
Scalish was going to retire in 1977 and step down.
By the time he passed in May 1976, he already enough
Of running the family. Angelo Lonardo was the next in line
To run the family.
Angelo being old school was going to put Rockman on
The shelf. No way would Big Ange allow a Jew to have
Influence and pull in the family.

So Licavoli takes over from Scalish. Now the decline begins.
Greene and Nardi hit 1st and hard. They take advantage of
Old complacent guys in charge. They kill Moceri.
They hit guys are running scared
Scalish never cultivated true big time hitters hence
Greene was able to say boo and the Family jumped

Fast foward through the decades Cleveland had
Guys capable like Sinito and Allie to resurrect the Family.
But they died in prison. And Joe Loose was controlled
By Chicago. And the venture into narcotics really
Sunk the family.
And the sons of Scalish were raised to be just normal
Guys. Russell Pappalardo is only 1 of 3 guys left
In NE Ohio that is made. Jimmy Martino is out
Of prison but he is a associate.

My uncle was made but he is deceased.
The family is really a non entity now.