Well the reason I felt this could be linked to Todaro is that Buffalo had some incidents in recent years allegedly bribing law enforcement (was it Todaro’s nephew linked to a DEA Agent?) and in this Rochester bust the state trooper was arrested for tipping off Ferrari.

It remains to be seen.

You can read the entire criminal complaint here:

I just skimmed it and it sounds like they were heavily surveilled. No direct mentions of an organized crime link. There are some redacted names of other associates mentioned in wiretapped conversations, but nothing jumps out at me as mob related yet. They could’ve been independent operators, I’ll admit. But with an operation this large, maybe not.

Also, here is a news report from the arraignment. You get a glimpse at each of the men charged. All Italian guys on the younger side. Ferrari looks to be early 40s.

Continuing to follow the case for now.

Last edited by FrankValenti; 03/03/23 02:52 PM.