Mafia, 7 sentences for members of the Misilmeri clan
The second instance judges confirmed the 12-year prison sentence against the boss Pietro Formoso, believed to be at the top of the local family

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From editorial staff
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The Court of Appeal of Palermo ordered seven convictions in the trial resulting from an investigation into the Misilmeri mafia. The second-level judges confirmed the 12-year prison sentence against the boss Pietro Formoso, believed to be the head of the local family. Six years and eight months were inflicted on Pietro Morgano, Vincenzo Meli, Lorenzo D'Arpa and Angelo Lo Cascio. Two years, however, to Stefano Zarcone while Francesco Paolo Migliaccio was sentenced to two years and four months. Absolutions for Dalila Garofalo and Davide Arcuri. The defense team is made up of lawyers Nino Mormino, Giovanni Castronovo, Raffaele Bonsignore, Antonio Gargano.

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