Originally Posted by NYMafia
IMO, both Scalish and Marcello run last for the following reasons; from what I can see Scalish had a solid career and a good life, but he died relatively young. Marcello on the other hand, lived longer, but had a very tumultuous life, served several significant prison terms, and in the last years of his life had gotten a very bad case of dementia. He didn't even know who he was anymore.

So for those reasons, I eliminated those two names.

The other three each lived low-keyed successful lives. Lived long, made millions, served virtually no prison time, and enjoyed themselves. If you're gonna be a mob guy, I imagine thats who you'd wanna be, no?

Absolutely. Do you wan tot be Carmine the Snake - Feared but behind bars for 50 years, Sonny - Respected by all but 50 years in the can, your most formidable years too, or be the under the radar guys like LaRocca, Lanza, and others who died of age and free men with serving very little jail time. Accardo and Trafficante are among the few "above the radar" names who did very little time and died free men. Maybe Lucchese also.