Originally Posted by RushStreet
Originally Posted by Big_Tuna93
Originally Posted by RushStreet
Originally Posted by LuanKuci
From left to right:
Andrew DiSimone, Michael DeSantis, Anthony Villani, Unknown with hat (possibly Anthony Baratta), Unknown with mask (possibly George Zappola), Unkown seated down.

[Linked Image]

Wearing fucking masks? How much worse can these mobsters get? Notice that the guy in the middle who actually dresses well is the only one not wearing one. He should have slapped those masks off their fuckin face.

HA. You and the outfits man! In regards to the masks I hear you, but this was 2020, and all these guys were/are "at risk." I agree it's lame but it was probably required during that time. Especially in NYC.

Yes good point. I believe it was an arrestable offense back then if you were not wearing a mask in NYC as crazy as that is.

Incredibly dumb times we're living in!