Back in the days I used to write about many close political connections which the Outfit used to own, and in fact members from other families couldn't believe that the Chicago group had those types of connections and even having made guys in such high circles.

I also wrote about many killings such as the 1926 hit on Chicago States Attorney William McSwiggan, the 1928 murder of African-American lawyer Octavius Granady who ran for Republican committeeman against Mayor Thompson, the 1935 murder of State Representative Albert J. Prignano aka "Al" Prignano (he was married to one of Gus Alex's sisters), the 1936 hit on Democratic rep Michael Galvin, the 1948 murder of William John Granata, the Republican candidate who was running against State Representative James Adduci (possible made guy), or in 1949 when assistant state's attorney Frank Christensen was also shot to death, or the hits on Charles Gross, the Republican Committeeman in 1952 and the one in 1953 on Clem Graver, a state representative and 21st Ward Republican Committeeman, or even the 1963 hit on African-American alderman Ben Lewis from the 24th Ward.

We must not forget that every political murder in which the Chicago mob was involved in, was to make place or cleared the way for their new and more trusted political candidate who was going to serve at their pleasure, at any time.

Also, we all heard about rumors regarding some US presidents allegedly being connected to the US Mob, either directly or through some family members, but I think I never mentioned Harry Truman in any of my past projects and it seems this guy was the real deal.

Again, we know that Truman was the 33rd president of the United States who served from 1945 to 1953, and was also a long time leader of the Democratic Party which in fact was always closely connected to organized crime in Chicago since the late 19th century.

Two years earlier or in 1943 the Outfit's complete top leadership was imprisoned in the infamous Hollywood extortion case, and so the whole national mob was involved in finding way for the early release of Chicago's bosses. Huge part of the Chicago Outfit was involved in collecting "corruption" cash or donations from all the crews and some members and associates were assigned to spread the cash to high level political individuals. Some sources say that even New York boss Frank Costello was allegedly involved in the whole operation, mainly because of his political contacts.

As I previously said that Truman became President in 1945, "coincidentally" the same year when "somebody" finally granted the wish of Chicago's bosses to be transferred from the Atlanta prison to Leavenworth since it was closer to Chicago. The wardens of both prisons protested against the decision but still the bosses received their wish.

Truman's name popped up for the first time that same year when Nicholas Schenck, head of Loews Movie Theatres that was owned by MGM, who was also convicted with the rest of the fellas in the extortion case, was surprisingly pardoned by President Truman and resumed his powerful position within the movie industry.

When the bosses got their early release in 1947, it became a huge political scandal but none of the alleged political faces were arrested or went to jail, and Truman's name remained clean.

As I already said in some of my past posts, during the old days I personally looked at the Giancana Double Cross book as some half-fictional project because some of the statements don't add up with the timelines and also with other important factors, BUT as time passed by I managed to find out that some of the stories were in fact true.

Lets see one of Giancana's alleged statements from the Double Cross book....

According to Giancana's brother Chuck, this what his older brother allegedly once said:

"Truman owes everything he's got to us. Pendergast (mob-related mayor of Kansas City) made him judge and then, with the Italian muscle behind him, got him to the Senate. When the 44 election came up...(Ed) Kelly here in Chicago got him on the ticket with Roosevelt. Shit, Chicago got Roosevelt and Truman nominated and elected. We were good to Roosevelt; he was good to us. He died and Truman's been our man in the White House ever since."

Now lets and try to confirm all of my previous statements, including the one allegedly made by Giancana himself.

For me personally, a wiretapped conversation is the best source and evidence regarding the Mob's inner workings and lots of other stuff.

According to the following information, we have Buffalo Mafia boss Steve Magaddino talking complimentary about Truman and also mentioned the Hollywood case and Chicago's bosses and confirms Truman's involvement in their early release. He even called Truman as "Trumetto" (lol) and also said that he came from the streets:

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Now lets see this second conversation that occurred in 1962 in Chicago between Frank Glimco and Gus Alex's wife Suzanne Fueger during a family dinner. In addition, Frank Glimco was the brother of infamous Chicago member Joey Glimco and Frank was also married to one of Alex's sisters, meaning they were brothers-in-law.

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So remember even though some stories sometimes sound quite impossible, still where there's smoke there's usually fire too, and this also shows us the unlimited power which the Chicago Outfit possessed at the time.


He who can never endure the bad will never see the good