@Fleming_Ave according to one report from the 1960's, during those days the Chicago organization allegedly gave unbelievable amount of corruption cash (millions of dollars during a time period of ten years) and so it was quite normal for them to murder these fellas and also to have their own guys within the police force and Chicago's politics. They had Richard Cain (Scalzetti was allegedly a made guy) who knew everyone in the police force in and out of the city or even out of the country, they had John D'Arco (made guy) as First Ward alderman, Pat Marciano aka Marcy (First Ward secretary and made guy), Fred Roti (another alderman and made guy) etc. and this was during the 50's, 60's and 70's but if we go even further back in the past, you wont believe the situation lol. For example, as I already said in one of my previous posts, even some members and associates from other families were quite surprised from the situation in which a Chicago politician (made guy) was the only guy who able to arrange a meeting between "outsiders" and guys like Ferraro and Alex. Also, dont forget that Giancana was killed at his home while he was still allegedly under police surveillance and still nobody heard or saw anything lol. I think you get my point?!


@Hollander I avoided to mention the JFK situation in my Truman article because I dont want to open that can of worms and I believe you can easily understand why lol As you already said, it seems during the old days the Mob was involved in securing huge number of votes for these guys at key moments or at the last moment. Giancana also mentioned Roosevelt as their previous guy or before Truman and so it seems there were more than few presidents who sometimes worked for the pleasure of the Mob, usually only in important situations but the money was probably coming on weekly or monthly basis. Remember the Mayor Cermak situation or the alleged assassination attempt (invented by the media at the time) on Roosevelt? Well some of the evidences show that Roosevelt wasnt the real target, but instead it was probably Cermak and so the Mob again managed to finish their job. Cermak's men allegedly tried to kill Frank Nitto who in turn survived the shooting and later he and Ricca accomplished their revenge by using probably the first "Lee Harvey Oswald style" or method lol.

He who can never endure the bad will never see the good