[quote=NYMafia][quote=MafiaStudent]It seems there's some movement on Mancuso's VOSR. This week's Gangland News reports:

"It's taken eight weeks — not the 10 days the judge wanted — but Robert Capers, the Chief U.S. Department of Probation official in Brooklyn, is apparently ready to tell the Court why the government agreed to let Bonanno family boss Michael (Mikey Nose) Mancuso plead guilty to a lesser violation of supervised release (VOSR) than the one with which he was first charged."

The hearing is scheduled for April 14, according to Gang Land.

No mention of the impending "war" which you'd think the government would use to really stick it to Mancuso instead of letting him "plead guilty to a lesser violation," especially since the government is supposedly "aware" of the situation and the judge is already angry about the entire thing.

I just read the most of Scott’s articles.

I do not think there is a war.

A mob war would mean two sides trying to get at each other.
J.C. Defended himself and that’s it.

I 100% believe Mancuso has sent out a team or teams of guys to: “GET Joe C. Jr”

JC has one upped Mancuso a couple of times.

1) JC won a captains vote.
2) JC embarrassed the shit out of him with the Funeral Home Abortion.
3) JC took his case to trial and like a MOBSTERS MOBSTER - BEAT THE FEDS.

I do NOT believe there is a murder contract on JC.
This is why I think what I think:

1) Hit teams are sent out to “KILL”.
2) Hit teams do not set fires to their targets businesses.
3) Hit teams do NOT shoot up their targets houses.

If you do stuff like 2 and 3 above you alert your “TARGET” it’s like sending a letter to your target and saying “Hey I am Coming To Kill YOU”

So now the target will:

1) Go on the lam. -OR-
2) Go to the Feds for protection. -OR-
3) Run to another family for protection. -OR-
4) Start Carrying Guns.-OR-
5) Hire Body Guards. -OR-

I.E. in Canada there was a hit attempt carried out a by a shooter, who was ordered to “KILL RIZZUTO”
now they didn’t shoot his car or his house they shot at him and shot him.

To SUM this up:

I think Mancuso ordered a “HOSPITAL BEATING” as he has done in the past -Vs- Meldish.

And further instructed his guys to “TERRORIZE” them JC & DC while you are “HUNTING them DOWN”

Give them some “FOOD FOR THOUGHT”

Let them know that we had a team of guys waiting for them where they lay there heads at night and where they think they are safe, fire a few shots into the Garage, let them know we also had a team at their businesses burn one of their trucks and/or set their dumpster on fire.

Let them constantly look -????- over their shoulders to see if someone is there to get them.

Lastly I believe JC is way smarter than Mancuso and that he might be biding his time.
Look at it this way:

Mancuso lost the vote BEFORE:

1) He started squeezing his captains for more money monthly.
2) He made a complete fool of himself and whole family.
3) The other heads stopped JC’s ascension prior to Mancuso doing all these idiotic things, I do not believe they will step in for him again.

4) I think JC steps up when Mancuso gets taken off the streets for a decent amount of time 5+ years.

Again some Bonnano’s and the head of the other families saved Mancuso, will those Bonnano’s stay loyal to him?

The bottom here is that Mancuso is not boss material, he will continue to hurt this family his stupid shit is keeping in wanted and needed a scrutiny which leads to more indictments and more guys flipping, which means more indictments.