Originally Posted by Liggio
Jerry Capeci hasn't said with 100% certainty that he's a rat, he's just giving you both sides. He even begins his article with the words SOURCES SAY.

Yes however, due to the possible ramifications if he thought it were not true he would not print it.

The rumor mill with 'WHO"S A RAT" is exhausting, if you have a crew with 10 guys and 7 get indicted automatically the other 3 are looked upon as if possibly they may be bad.

Even though it does not happen there still is the possibility that it could happen, especially with the Colombo's they are Maniac's.

So if he prints it and someone gets whacked he probably will get sued by the family, and if he has a conscious he just got an innocent man killed because of what you printed that was not true.

Thats my two cents anyway.