I think Israel was too scared it would open the floodgates for all Jewish criminals to escape their charges using " Law of Return", so Yosef Burg (Ministry of the Interior) was forced to deny Lansky
Yosef did let Lansky go back to vacation years later though in poor health
No, the US Justice Department was mostly responsible for Lansky being expelled from Israel.
Israell's Law of Return (1950) states that any Jew (simply defined as a person born of a Jewish mother) has rhe right to live in Israel and become a citizen. An amendment in 1954 state that a person who is a "threat to national security" can be denied the "Right of Return" to Israel and can be expelled. Lansky's sole misdemeanor gambling conviction, and <3 month jail term, hardly constituted a "threat to Israel's national security." But, the Justice Department, which singled him out and was on his case night and day for years, supplied Israel's Minister of Interior with tons of material from his FBI file that convinced Prime Minister Golda Meier, and (on appeal) their Supreme Court, to deport Lansky. The irony was that Joseph (Doc) Stacher, a close associate of Lansky and Longy Zwillman who was convicted of evading close to a million dollars in US Federal income taxes--a big time felony--was accepted for Israeli citizenship.