Originally Posted by Iceveins
Originally Posted by jace
Originally Posted by JCrusher
He wasn’t the most powerful but he certainly was the most high profile. Most of it was his own doing

It was the media chasing him, not the other way ariound. It was also the FBI, prosecutors, and the police leaking things about him on a daily basis. That was not Gotti's own doing. Maybe you think he was supposed to hide in his home all day and night with the shades drawn.
You can't possibly really believe this....

Are you kidding. The media chased him, and they had info from the feds. If you are too ignorant to be aware of it, then do research on it. Start with the time an NBC reporter named John Miller ambushed Gotti and Gravano coming out of what they thought was a secret meeting. Miller had several camera crews outside, every way Gotti and Gravano turned to walk away they had a camera in their faces. There were many other instances. If you can show me a single time Gotti did a newspaper, magazine, or tv interview, show it. Gotti would make one brief remark and keep walling anytime he was approached.