this latest murder could be the tipping point for all OC groups in mtl. it may finally shock both the police, politicians and public into to taking some kind of concrete action against criminals.

this murder is the eventual by product of hiring out un educated, illiterate street thugs to carry out yer dirty work. and it is not the first time an innocent victim was murdered instead of the actual target. angelo d' onofrio although italian was not a criminal or mafia member. he just happened to look like carmine antonio vanelli and for this he was murdered in 2016 in mtl. even more recent in jan of 2023 a 77 yr old man who drove a similar car as francesco del balso was shot outside a liquor store, he survived. and i will go on, shots fired in june 2022 at neighboring house of greg woolley. the criminals got address wrong. some of the most recent arsons alleged to be against del balso were also at the wrong address. all i'm saying is that there is a precedent for this in mtl, and these are just some of the ones we know of.

i cannot see the victim as being somekind of "godmother", there is no history or precedent for this in mtl or canada for that matter. even the rizzuto women at there height of power never operated at the same level of men. the gallo family proper as far as i can tell carries no weight in mafia circles in mtl. all evidence points to them being successful in business, but being near constantly extorted by a mafia or other crime group. the possibility also exists that someone else was in the car and that they were the intended target, however the investigation is in its infancy and is too early to say.

as i mentioned above this murder could have same effect as the death of the 11 year old daniel desrochers by car bomb detonated by the HA in 1995. and subsequent murders of innocent prison guards in 1997 by HA on order from mom boucher. these murders are what finally shook quebec to take action against the HA. only time will tell if this will be the case following this murder.