The Greeks have not been near the top in Marseille since the late 2000s, but still have two good gambling locations in Marseille and a nearby suburb, as well as some good pull in smuggling in the port. The drugs that the gangs sell are from the Corsicans, Albanians, Georgians, Ukrainians just name a few. The Calabrians are into export/imports, construction and real estate, maybe involved but nothing concrete. This has been going over ten years now. The suppliers find reasonable dealers, who in turn bring young immigrants in there networks, which is easy considering that France gives only a limited fund to social workers who only see a person every few months which is not helpful, and in that time frame nothing good is coming to the immigrants and their families so they take up stealing, dealing drugs, and smuggling. A couple of the neighborhoods are so bad that emts have to have a police escort just to get in if they are lucky to even get in the residence.