Of the two-year massacre 1992-1994, despite numerous investigations have reconstructed a large part of the historical and legal truth, we still don't know everything. In fact, there are still unknowns about the external principals and the co-interests that have moved behind Cosa Nostra and that have used the latter as a tool with which to bring the country to its knees. Furthermore, there are still shadows, doubts and questions about the presence and role of some female figures behind the massacres. Women who, in all likelihood, did not belong to mafia organizations, but who, despite this, played a role within a subversive project such as the massacres. "External" women who represent an anomaly in the history of the mafia. Yet, over time,
And this was the focus of the conference organized by "Dark Side - Secret History of Italy" last Friday 26 May in Vasanello, in the province of Viterbo, on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the massacres "of the continent" in Rome, Florence and Milan. A conference - broadcast yesterday on their YouTube channel - in which the magistrate Gianfranco Donadio , the journalist Massimiliano Giannantoni and the criminologist Federico Carbone gave a cross-section on the "women of the massacres".
“ In those years there was no mafia attack on the state - said Donadio -. Cosa Nostra in the 90s did not have a terrorist strategy. If anything, it was suggested to them or even imposed, taking advantage of the bill that the mafia had to settle with some subjects like Falcone ”. “ In the research work I did with Federico Carbone, we realized that there were more than one women – said Giannantoni - . We were looking for the woman who left her DNA on a pair of latex gloves a few meters from the Capaci crater; we were looking for the woman seen in via Fauro before the explosion (site of the attack against Maurizio Costanzo on May 14th '93, ed .); we were looking for the woman in via dei Georgofili and the one seen in via Palestro. And we realized that there had been one line of inquiry involving several. And there were even military women reporting to SISMI who were Gladio trainers. And it is precisely from the world of Gladio that many of these women come ”. “ Gladio, it should be remembered, is a creature of NATO - recalled Federico Carbone - . And as such it places the interests of other countries within our own affairs. This becomes a very uncomfortable topic to deal with ”. And hence the presence and effectiveness within the attacks of " external structures which in some way may have favored with their work” the implementation of the massacre strategy.
As for the use of women in this project, “ it is an element that distances us from the operations of Cosa Nostra - continued the criminologist - . It's not part of the modus operandi. Placing the presence of a woman in those scenarios demonstrates the employment of external entities ”.
Thirty years later, on these facts, it is necessary to light a light and continue to investigate because the presence of women behind the massacres is frequent, just as the role of structures such as Gladio is more than evident and that, finally, 1993 is a year beyond singular way.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"