

Antonino, the 11-year old son of a Sicilian Mafia boss enters the village barber shop. Pietro the barber, whispers to his customer Angelo, "I would never say this out loud for fear of insulting "Don" Vito and incurring his wrath, but you gotta admit Angelo, his son Antonino is the dumbest kid in our entire village. He's not cut from the same cloth as his father. Watch while I prove it to you."

The barber puts a dollar bill in one hand and two quarters in the other, he then calls the boy over and asks, "Which do you want, Antonino?" The boy looks at the barber's hands, reaches for the quarters, then smiles and leaves. "See! What did I tell you?" exclaims Pietro the barber. "That kid never learns! He's dumb as dirt!"

Later, after Angelo had gotten his haircut and left the barbershop, he spotted young Antonino coming out of the gelato shop.

He called out to the boy, "Antonino, 'vieni qui.' come here! Can I ask you a question? Why did you only take the quarters instead of the full dollar bill"

The young mafioso took a lick of his gelato cone, smiled wryly, and then replied: "Because the day I take the dollar bill from Pietro, this little racket I got going with him will be over!"

...Happy Sunday folks!

Last edited by NYMafia; 06/11/23 06:03 AM.