
In Turkey, the 'Counter-Guerrilla', which was part of Gladio , was involved in terror and torture.

According to a survey published in the daily newspaper Milliyet, 61.7% of the Turkish population believe in the existence of Ergenekon, while 20.3% do not believe that such a crime network exists. 18 percent were undecided.

The Ergenekon case confirms for many Turks the existence of a so-called 'deep state' within the state that actually holds power. In 1996, the so-called Susurluk incident confirmed that suspicion, when a police chief, a mafia boss and his mistress were killed in a car accident and a parliamentarian was injured. The scandal about secret links between the state, police and underworld that followed was never fully resolved and high-ranking key figures were never prosecuted. During the investigation of Ergenekon, the corpses came out again: Susurluk, but also the disappearance in the 1990s and various unsolved murder cases.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"