Robert Kennedy Jr: ''I have proof. John Kennedy's death was caused by the CIA''
Luca Grossi July 10, 2023
US presidential candidate speaks in an interview with '' The Newyorker ''
The President of the United States, John Fitzgerald Kennedy , was assassinated before the eyes of the world on November 22, 1963. Five years later, on June 6, 1968, his brother , Robert Francis Kennedy, was assassinated . The latter became Attorney General (the equivalent of our Minister of Justice) in the government of President Kennedy. While in office, he earned recognition for the effective and impartial administration of the Justice Department. Bob Kennedy, in fact, he was the politician who most of all inflicted very hard blows on the overseas mafia. In fact, as minister he launched a successful campaign against organized crime. Both were undisputed protagonists of American history, and both were assassinated in two different ambushes with a mafia background.
In our newspaper we have dealt several times with these state murders: many documents analyzed and interviews carried out. Among these also to Gianni Bisiach , the Italian journalist certainly closest to the Kennedy family (in particular to Ted), who had access to the secrets of one of the most important American families, precisely because of that friendship established with the three brothers. The first ever to say, (as it is written in his book "The President", in his film "The Two Kennedys") that John Kennedy was killed by the Mafia, in collaboration with some sectors of the CIA.
To corroborate that thesis of reports such as that of the Stokes commission, the Select Committee on Assassination of the US House of Representatives, which confirms what until 1979 could have seemed only theories. Not only. Even former CIA director William E. Colby , who died under mysterious circumstances, admitted during a presentation of Gianni Bisiach 's book, that the Central Intelligence Agency had collaborated with the mafia, while categorically excluding its participation in the assassination of the President.
The new documents, declassified on the input of Donald Trump (who deserves credit despite the fact that we still consider him unsuitable today to cover any institutional role with his racist and far-right policy) provide new elements that highlight how the truth it can also be hindered but, sooner or later, it always comes to light. And so it emerges that it was not Lee Harvey Oswald who assassinated the US president , but a police officer, JD Tippit .

Acts that add to the investigation conducted by judge Jim Garrison , which demonstrated that the CIA had been helped by "others", such as the FBI itself or, albeit marginally, the Mafia. Theories that will also be taken up in the film "JFK" by director Oliver Stone .
A mass of evidence that completely dismantles the bizarre version of the Warren Commission, the one that created the bizarre story of the 'magic bullet'.
In this regard, the new presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr , son of 'Bob Kennedy', also expressed himself in a long interview given to the newspaper 'The Newyorker' : “I don't think anyone who has seriously looked into my uncle's murder believes the Warren Commission is right. I am a trial lawyer. I have dealt with hundreds of cases ”. I can guarantee “ by looking at this case, that I could prove that my uncle's death was caused by the CIA. I have enough evidence now, without any interrogation, to prove that my uncle's death was the result of a conspiracy. And that the CIA was involved, not only in the original conspiracy, but in covering up the facts for sixty years and continues to maintain secrecy ."
The reason, according to the candidate for the White House, lies in the fact that John Kennedy " had not invaded the Bay of Pigs and provided air cover to Cuban opponents ofFidel Castro , which they considered a betrayal. They had trained those men. Those men were dying on the beach. At that point, they believed my uncle was a traitor to the United States. When my uncle and father stopped the attacks on Cuba after the missile crisis, they agreed with Khrushchev during the missile crisis to stop the attacks from Miami via Alpha 66 and the other groups that were going to Cuba to stop them."
Speaking of his father's murder, Kennedy referred to a second shooter, stray bullets, and a Mafia lawyer whose body was later found "dismembered into a hundred pieces in an oil drum." Kennedy also said he visited Sirhan Sirhan in prison, convicted of the murder of his father: “ I support his release ” concluded Robert Kennedy Jr .

"The king is dead, long live the king!"