Originally Posted by Toodoped
Originally Posted by carmela
Originally Posted by Toodoped
Originally Posted by Jimmy_Two_Times
Good to see old posters again!!!!

Thats a great statement, meaning we should all get back together on this forum like in the old days.

Yeah, well, the old days weren't all that great. The new days aren't so hot either right now, though. ohwell

I agree Carm and I get what you're saying. Everything is about competition and backstabbing, while being on a ordinary mafia forum lol but still (dont get me wrong) i think there was more respect between members 10 or 12 years ago, than today. If you are gone for few months, all of the people that you personally brought on these forums are going to steal your stuff and will be against you. But as the song goes...Thats Life smile

Oh yeah, the forums you mean. I meant my own personal life as of now. It's been tough and I have a lot on my plate. Well, my husband, kids, and myself. It hasn't been easy and not going to be.

As far as the boards go, it was fun. You know these guys love to spread a good story, even made up and fabricated ones.
My days posting have been over obviously as of 2015, or so, a result of what's going on here. Again, I know they thought I was story telling, it didn't matter. All anyone had to do was ask, and I could show you what 11 RICO charges look like and whatever else they wanted to see for proof.

Stay well TooDoped, Jimmy Two Times, Furio, and others. And good luck to you and NYMafia on your endeavors.

La madre degli idioti e' sempre incinta.