Originally Posted by Giacomo_Vacari
Why am I being brought up? It seems like that is your only card to play. I am not a king to others and no some of us are not fond of each other but we do try and keep it civil, which is more than I can say for across the street. I know I hit almost everyone's nerve over there which is a talent that I admit I relish in. I hear I have my own thread over there, that's nice.
What are you? One of Chris Christy and B's acolytes? CC would not be where "it" is now without many other members carrying CC, mostly HK. That site now it feels like it is Totaltarian. What is sadder, is that S seems like the absentee landlord who just wants to collect rent money, and let the bullies run a muck over there.

My apologies, NYMafia for hijacking the thread.
Go ahead Geoff.

Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by Giacomo_Vacari
Why am I being brought up? It seems like that is your only card to play. I am not a king to others and no some of us are not fond of each other but we do try and keep it civil, which is more than I can say for across the street. I know I hit almost everyone's nerve over there which is a talent that I admit I relish in. I hear I have my own thread over there, that's nice.
What are you? One of Chris Christy and B's acolytes? CC would not be where "it" is now without many other members carrying CC, mostly HK. That site now it feels like it is Totaltarian. What is sadder, is that S seems like the absentee landlord who just wants to collect rent money, and let the bullies run a muck over there.

My apologies, NYMafia for hijacking the thread.
Go ahead Geoff.

No. Thats quite alright GV. Because I think what you just said really needed to be said.

I try not to bother with any of that nonsense that they constantly feel the need to 'bring' over here. But truth be told, the very fact that nobody (to my knowledge at least) from here, ever goes over 'there' to start shit and attack others, while 'certain' fellas from over 'there' constantly feel the need to come over here and start trouble, (for me), says all you need to know about them and what's going on over at that other place.

They like to 'claim' that they're data and research is soooo superior to anything we here on GBB post up. Yet, for fellas who pretend to be so superior, they seem like a very insecure bunch of guys. Why is that? Could it be that in their heart of hearts they know they're lacking? Me thinks that may be the case!

I mean, WTF? Why can't they just mind their own business? Ya know, "live and let live sort of thing?" LOL...These idiots are absolutely "obsessed" with us! Lol. I actually find it extremely comical, and at the same time very sad, that we're living 'rent free' inside their heads.

These nincompoops really need to just chill out...and maybe go get themselves a job or a hobby or something. LOL.....Because it's sad shit to say the least!

I mean, this thread started because I corrected some info from your post and you then did the same and fair enough I hope you guys are skeptical. But when I provide a made member reporting Mineo was a boss and you say well we don’t know then it’s a bit ridiculous. You also haven’t read May 2014 informer magazine, but still say that you don’t believe he’s boss. Then another guy talks about how good this forum is and I merely posted GV admitting to lying so clearly it’s not the best since you have admitted liars on it. Please don’t think that I believe I’m superior because of this because frankly I know nothing about the mafia post-1931 and I am learning while on here. Most guys on here are probably more knowledgeable than me, but if you expect me to not question things then I’m not sure what to tell you.