This post that I just commented on is NOT about you, understand me good? So please don't take it as such. I am not targeting or referring to you, per se. Ok? So there is not need to take offense or get defensive. But if you are guilty in your heart, well then thats another story all together. Thats your personal problem, understand?

But I've noticed that there are numerous individuals from over 'there' who have constantly felt the need, and are compelled, to constantly come here and try to knock this forum, and our posters. THAT young man, I DO NOT appreciate. Understand?

In other words (for lack of a better term), their skirts are showing!

If they think their shit doesn't stink, then why don't they just stay where they are...over there! I mean, after all, what do they need any of us for anyway, if they're so confident in their abilities? Am I right or wrong here? LOL. If they're really 'all that," then they should be very happy and in bliss just the way things are.....After all, they're the golden children, right?

So then tell me why they are so obsessed with GBB and what its members post up daily?

To me, coming over here to start trouble only shows their true weakness and insecurities. 1,001%! And there is absolutely no two ways about that!

PS: And although I couldn't care less about any of this gibberish and nonsense, because I don't care to follow any of this 'soap opera' BS. Through the grapevine these last few months I've heard they're actually imploding over there big time.

That may provide the real answer why some of them feel the constant 'need' to always be on the attack and strike out.

Last edited by NYMafia; 07/16/23 09:20 PM.