Fanboys? Who said that lol? And is that chart saying Chris Christy??? You mean these guys are quarreling over CC's charts, aka Angelo aka Angelina. The same guy who jumps from researcher to researcher like a bloodsucking mosquito and uses them so he can create his charts? The guy is a simple chart creator, nothing more than that. Is that the same guy who allegedly knows Italian but when you ask him, he says something like "Im too high to speak Italian right now" or something like that? This can also be confirmed by other posters too. The same guy who uses around 10 people to create one lousy chart? Or the guy who stole the idea traditional vs modern and modified it into organizational vs some other bullshit? The guy who acts like a REAL FANBOY on his boring vids? He's not a researcher. Again, he's a simple chart maker. Worker and user of people. Thats it. I dont know why we have to fight like this over completely non-important individual?! It sounds like "someone" has a problem with us and this forum?! As MafiaStudent already said, it seems some people are coming here just to stir up shit by using non-credible info and constantly trying to discredit someone. Thats sad. cry

Mongol General: Conan, what is best in life?

Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.