Originally Posted by Hollander
Originally Posted by Toodoped
Originally Posted by Hollander
Originally Posted by Toodoped
Im right now in Turkey and yesterday I saw this "show" with hundreds of bikers being searched in their pockets and bikes by the local Turkish police. It seems there are more and more biker gangs around the Balkans and eastern Europe.

One of the most powerful bikers world wide is Necati "Neco" Arabaci (born 14 February 1972) a Turkish-German businessman, outlaw biker, gangster and high-ranking member of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club.

[Linked Image]

Thanks for this. Never heard about the guy.

I believe he played a big role in the expansion to the Balkans and Turkey.
At the moment he is wanted by Spain after spending some time in Turkish jail in 2018.

German Hells Angels elect new leader
November 23, 2013

The 41-year-old Neco Arabaci succeeds the German Hells Angel Frank Hanebuth, who was considered the most powerful Hells Angel in Europe. Hanebuth recently moved to Mallorca and was arrested there in July for extortion and illegal prostitution. On Friday, Arabaci was said to have been elected at a secret conference by the regional chapters of the motorcycle club.

Arabaci is said to have been in prostitution from Cologne in the 1990s. He had an organization of about 120 doormen, with whom he also controlled the local drug trade.

Deal with justice
Hells Angel, who was born in Turkey, was arrested in 2001 and then sentenced to ten and nine years. He would have continued his affairs from prison. In 2004 he made a deal with the judiciary; he was released if he left the country and did not return.

Arabaci then moved to Turkey, where he founded the MC Nomads Turkey chapter. The police suspect that Arabaci regularly travels to Germany with fake Bulgarian passports.

Dutch stooges
The German police have previously said that Arabaci would be arrested if he was spotted in Germany. He has therefore put stooges in Cologne to take care of his affairs. The Dutch would also be there.

Thanks again @H.

Mongol General: Conan, what is best in life?

Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.