bloods & crips have evolved they are now more low key more business.
I beg to differ lol. These guys have never been more brainless
But there are less murders as in the 80s/90s, no?
Obviously, but that has nothing to do with the Bloods and Crips evolving. Much of that can be attributed to improved education, more opportunities and the proactive measures and technological superiority of the LAPD and Sheriff's Department. Yet, despite extensive surveillance, both Compton and South Central remain plagued by a very high murder rate. In fact, 2021 was the worst year in Compton since 2006, a year when the city had the highest murder rate in the country.
But you had to play it cool, had to do it your way Had to be a fool, had to throw it all away
What I find strange, is that it seems like when I hear about Bloods and Crips, it's usually in some other state besides where they originated, which is California. Especially Bloods. Bloods are HUGE on the East Coast. But something about them just doesn't feel original.
Was there a time not too long ago in California where the Mexican gangs told the black gangs to cool it with the murders and attracting attention or they were just going to wipe them out?
A guy I know always repeats this when gang talk comes up.
Re: Suge Knight
[Re: jace]
#1066357 08/09/2311:07 AM08/09/2311:07 AM
Was there a time not too long ago in California where the Mexican gangs told the black gangs to cool it with the murders and attracting attention or they were just going to wipe them out?
A guy I know always repeats this when gang talk comes up.
Not sure about that given the fact that in the late 90s and early 2000s EME pretty much put a greenlight on all black gangs (and in general African Americans living in predominantly Sureno neighborhoods).
It could be true, but I just can't imagine EME shot callers giving a shit about black gangs - if anything, black gangs would get the attention and Surenos / EME could work in silence as they did for a pretty long time.
Duane "Keffe D" Davis was indicted by a Nevada Grand Jury and arrested near his home in Las Vegas today, for one count of murder with a deadly weapon in connection with the murder of Tupac Shakur in 1996.
Duane "Keffe D" Davis was indicted by a Nevada Grand Jury and arrested near his home in Las Vegas today, for one count of murder with a deadly weapon in connection with the murder of Tupac Shakur in 1996.
I don't get why he would claim he was involved on youtube he wants to be famous? Pac was a hero to many to be involved in his demise is nothing to brag about.
Suge Knight will not testify against the man arrested last week for involvement in the murder of rapper Tupac Shakur. According to the record executive, Duane 'Keefe D' Davis is not the killer. Knight was in the car with Shakur 27 years ago when fire opened from another car. The 25-year-old rapper was killed.
The founder of Death Row Records, where Shakur was under contract at the time, says in conversation with TMZ that he does not want to testify against Davis. He also doesn't want to betray anyone.
Knight is himself serving a 28-year sentence for deliberately running over two men. One of the victims was killed. Knight and Davis are the only living people involved in the 1996 shooting.
Davis was arrested on Friday. He is said to have been in the white Cadillac from which Shakur was shot with three men.
Last summer, police searched a home linked to Davis. Magazine articles about Shakur and his death were found in the home. Prosecutors say Davis is the one who ordered Shakur's murder. It is unclear who actually fired.
The man stands as the main suspect in the murder of Biggie Smalls. As much as he wants to get out of jail, he can't take that stand without opening himself up to scrutiny
But you had to play it cool, had to do it your way Had to be a fool, had to throw it all away
I don't get why he would claim he was involved on youtube he wants to be famous?
No one understands it
Davis doesn't come across as a fool I read he was also a childhood friend of Eazy-E.
Their families were very close. Keefe D's little brother Kevin Davis (who Compton PD considered the most dangerous gangster of the Burris crew) was one of Eazy-E's best friends. Eazy even had him with him when NWA was touring in '89. Another guy who was very close to Eazy was Big Wynn, a South Side shotcaller who Keefe D loved like a brother. When Wynn died, the homies had a major problem with Keefe D showing up to the funeral because he had proffered. If you watch the Real Compton City G video (which was primarily filmed in South Side and Nutty Blocc territory), you can see Wynn standing right next to Eazy in a couple of the clips. In the video, Eazy even has the Seattle Mariners hat on, the "S" hat which the South Sides (and the 60s) like to wear. You gotta remember, South Side is right next to N-Hood (Eazy's hood). It takes less than 10 minutes to jog from Eazy's house to Keefe D's house lol. South Side, N-Hood, Kelly Park and Atlantic Drive essentially form the eastern part of South Compton, a territory that Eazy frequently represented in his music. I don't think people realize how small this area is. These guys all know each other on sight
But you had to play it cool, had to do it your way Had to be a fool, had to throw it all away
Re: Suge Knight
[Re: jace]
#1070973 10/04/2306:34 AM10/04/2306:34 AM
Lets not forget Orlando Anderson who was BG Knoccouts best friend - Orlando Anderson was Southside Compton Crip and BG Knocc Out and his brother Dresta were Nutty Blocc.
And also, wasn't Eazy E from Kelly Park? Not N-Hood Crips.
Re: Suge Knight
[Re: jace]
#1070975 10/04/2307:11 AM10/04/2307:11 AM
The whole story regarding Eazy being "respected" Kelly Park crip is a little bit exaggerated, meaning yes he was there and was probably a member but he never reached the level of high level dope dealer or a killer. Some real old crips from that area say that he was almost a "nobody" BUT they also said that he allegedly knew how to invest his dirty money which he previously acquired from small dope deals.
Mongol General: Conan, what is best in life?
Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.
The whole story regarding Eazy being "respected" Kelly Park crip is a little bit exaggerated, meaning yes he was there and was probably a member but he never reached the level of high level dope dealer or a killer. Some real old crips from that area say that he was almost a "nobody" BUT they also said that he allegedly knew how to invest his dirty money which he previously acquired from small dope deals.
I have never heard of him being called a "nobody" or a punk, and I personally know people from that area who've all spoken highly of him. He was probably one of the most connected people in Compton. He was close to two of the most influential gangsters in all of Compton, Pat Johnson from PHCC and Turtle from the 'Tanas. Not to mention, he was super close to some of the baddest people on the East Side. I'm talking about cutting your head off and leaving it on your mother's porch type of people. I can go into names if you want. The thing to remember is that those guys don't run with punks. He was never a gangbanger. It just wasn't how he rolled, but he was certainly one of the biggest drug dealers from Muriel. He was nowhere near Keefe D's level, but by the time he was 21, 22, he probably had about $50,000 to his name. Hardly a big drug dealer, but he still did better than most people who were out there hustling during that time.
But you had to play it cool, had to do it your way Had to be a fool, had to throw it all away
Lets not forget Orlando Anderson who was BG Knoccouts best friend - Orlando Anderson was Southside Compton Crip and BG Knocc Out and his brother Dresta were Nutty Blocc.
And also, wasn't Eazy E from Kelly Park? Not N-Hood Crips.
Eazy grew up on Muriel. It's on the border of those two hoods, but back in the day it was pretty much the same thing. They used to say 'Kelly Park Neighborhood'. Today, Muriel is N-Hood, but even to this day there are people on Muriel who have the old KP tats on them
But you had to play it cool, had to do it your way Had to be a fool, had to throw it all away
Re: Suge Knight
[Re: jace]
#1070988 10/04/2308:05 AM10/04/2308:05 AM
Thanks for the clarification Giacalone! I didn't know that.
You're very welcome my friend. There's a lot the public isn't aware of when it comes to Eazy-E, Suge and all those players that come from Compton. So much never made it to the media, but I have been fortunate enough to hear a lot of those stories from people who were close to the situation. Eazy-E truly lived that criminal life. In '89, he got shot six times. I bet most people in here have no idea about that incident
But you had to play it cool, had to do it your way Had to be a fool, had to throw it all away
That's very interesting! I know that Eazy E was very well respected and connected in Compton, but I didn't know he got shot. Wasn't NWA already popping around 89? I'm a Croatian kid born in 1996 (although a huge fan of 90s Westcoast rap) so I can't remember the years correctly, but I was always under the assumption that NWA started 1987-ish and disbanded by 1991 or so. I probably Googled it sometimes but forgot.
CB, that shooting happened right around the time Above the Law signed with Ruthless. NWA was pretty much on the verge of blowing up, but JJ Fad had blown up before them
You're welcome H. Btw Reggie Wright is one of the people involved in getting the Eazy-E street approved by the city of Compton
Where is Toodoped? I'm not sure where you got your information T, but I don't believe I know of another man who had as much respect in the streets of Compton as Eazy-E did. He could go any place in Compton. A gangbanger could never do that
But you had to play it cool, had to do it your way Had to be a fool, had to throw it all away
Founding of the Bloods In 1969, a gang called the Piru Street Boys was founded by Sylvester Scott and Vincent Owens. According to some sources, the Piru Street Boys were initially associated with the Crips,[5] but later had a falling out. However, other sources dispute any alliance, claiming that the Piru Street Boys were victimised by the Crips.[6] Nevertheless, by 1972, the Piru Street Boys formed an alliance with other smaller street gangs such as the Brims, Bishops and Denver Lanes, which also opposed the Crips.[7] This alliance became known as the Bloods, as the members of this alliance called each other "blood".[7]
Over time, more Blood "sets" would form, including the Mob Piru Bloods. According to Reggie Wright Jr., the Mob Piru and Lueders Park Piru were previously one gang, until they split apart.[8]
Death Row Records Suge Knight, who would co-found Death Row Records, became affiliated with the Mob Piru set at some point[3] and hired many Mob Piru members in Death Row Records.[9] When Tupac Shakur joined Death Row Records in 1995, he also became affiliated with the Mob Piru.[10] Other notable Mob Pirus who were associated with Death Row Records include:
Wardell "Poochie" Fouse, who was implicated in the murder of The Notorious B.I.G. Fouse was shot dead on July 24, 2003.[11] Jake “Big Jake” Robles, Suge Knight's friend who was a Campanella Park Piru member shot and murdered in Atlanta on September 23, 1995, by Bad Boy records affiliate. Trevon "Tre" Lane, who was attacked at Lakewood Shopping Mall by a group of Crips, including Orlando Anderson.[12] Several weeks later, on September 7, 1996, Trevon, and several Death Row members including Suge and Tupac beat Anderson at the MGM Grand. Several hours after this beating, Tupac was shot by an unknown gunman and died six days later. Alton “Buntry” McDonald, who was close friends with Suge Knight. McDonald was shot dead on April 3, 2002.[13] Aaron “Heron” Palmer, Suge Knight's bodyguard and friend, who was shot and killed in Compton in June 1997. Henry “Hendog” Smith, who designed the logo for Death Row Records.[14] Smith was shot dead on October 16, 2002.[15]
"The king is dead, long live the king!"
Re: Suge Knight
[Re: jace]
#1071046 10/05/2301:35 AM10/05/2301:35 AM
Trevon and Neckbone are still alive. K-Dubb is still around too. K-Dubb was with Tre when they got jumped by Orlando at the Lakewood Mall. K-Dubb is actually someone who dealt with Eazy-E in the street and has nothing but good things to say about him. And K-Dubb is MOB.
But you had to play it cool, had to do it your way Had to be a fool, had to throw it all away
The whole story regarding Eazy being "respected" Kelly Park crip is a little bit exaggerated, meaning yes he was there and was probably a member but he never reached the level of high level dope dealer or a killer. Some real old crips from that area say that he was almost a "nobody" BUT they also said that he allegedly knew how to invest his dirty money which he previously acquired from small dope deals.
I have never heard of him being called a "nobody" or a punk, and I personally know people from that area who've all spoken highly of him. He was probably one of the most connected people in Compton. He was close to two of the most influential gangsters in all of Compton, Pat Johnson from PHCC and Turtle from the 'Tanas. Not to mention, he was super close to some of the baddest people on the East Side. I'm talking about cutting your head off and leaving it on your mother's porch type of people. I can go into names if you want. The thing to remember is that those guys don't run with punks. He was never a gangbanger. It just wasn't how he rolled, but he was certainly one of the biggest drug dealers from Muriel. He was nowhere near Keefe D's level, but by the time he was 21, 22, he probably had about $50,000 to his name. Hardly a big drug dealer, but he still did better than most people who were out there hustling during that time.
I think I heard it on one of Vlads interviews. And I never said he was a "punk". Pls dont put words in my mouth. I just said he was allegedly a "nobody" compared to his alleged SCARY connections. One thing is to be connected, while another is to be the real thing (Brotha Lynch, X-Raided etc.)
Is it true that Eazy was once robbed by Mob James or his people (dont remember the details)?
Mongol General: Conan, what is best in life?
Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.
The whole story regarding Eazy being "respected" Kelly Park crip is a little bit exaggerated, meaning yes he was there and was probably a member but he never reached the level of high level dope dealer or a killer. Some real old crips from that area say that he was almost a "nobody" BUT they also said that he allegedly knew how to invest his dirty money which he previously acquired from small dope deals.
I have never heard of him being called a "nobody" or a punk, and I personally know people from that area who've all spoken highly of him. He was probably one of the most connected people in Compton. He was close to two of the most influential gangsters in all of Compton, Pat Johnson from PHCC and Turtle from the 'Tanas. Not to mention, he was super close to some of the baddest people on the East Side. I'm talking about cutting your head off and leaving it on your mother's porch type of people. I can go into names if you want. The thing to remember is that those guys don't run with punks. He was never a gangbanger. It just wasn't how he rolled, but he was certainly one of the biggest drug dealers from Muriel. He was nowhere near Keefe D's level, but by the time he was 21, 22, he probably had about $50,000 to his name. Hardly a big drug dealer, but he still did better than most people who were out there hustling during that time.
I think I heard it on one of Vlads interviews. And I never said he was a "punk". Pls dont put words in my mouth. I just said he was allegedly a "nobody" compared to his alleged SCARY connections...
Is it true that Eazy was once robbed by Mob James or his people (dont remember the details)?
I never said that you said he was a punk, but I wanted to make it clear since you pretty much called him a nobody. Which is simply bullshit.
He was never robbed by Mob James. Also, Mob James never said he robbed Eazy-E, but he did say that Kenny Tubbs from Lueders took 30 grand from his pockets. The only problem is that Eazy-E never carried money in his pockets. He hardly ever had much money on him, but if he did have money it would be in his socks.
This is just another lie told by a man who has told many lies. There is paperwork on him. He seems to have a major problem with Tupac, Suge and everyone he has ever dealt with in the street. His own brother Timmy Ru won't even speak to him
But you had to play it cool, had to do it your way Had to be a fool, had to throw it all away