Making plans for dinner, not sure if going out or bringing something in.
Took my first guitar lesson last night, went pretty good.
On what axe is upon your hold ..may I ask??..Acoustic..electric??...brand name??..Gettin' callouses is like making ur takes a fingertips havent felt cold or hot 4 45 some yrs. ..It's perfect when ur doing double duty as chef in the day & heavy metal guitarist @ nite as I was in mid 80s.
August 13, 2023......Dues ..I have been flabbergasted by a child prodigy named Ayu Gusfanz lately...this child (well now in this day & age is prob. 18 or so..)...this kid out does the out doers..Irishman 12 may know of her 'cause o his well rounded self.....long story short...this kid was blowin' minds @ the age of 6..."she is from another planet"..etc..I beleive she is can a child remember all this knowledge?????...on a fretboard...??..PLEASE..if anyone wants 2 see a miracle on guitar done by a child , let alone ,she now is a major influence on many ppl 5 times her age...prepare 4 AYU GUSFANZ...please Dues 1rst watch (google)..BLITZKRIEG a (cover) by Yngwie Malmsteen....but she does so much more ...Jeff Beck..Eric Clapton...and u must watch her Dreamtheater copy of" INTRUMEDELY".....she now does her own compositions which r mind blowing...DUES....pls. this young talent 2 see & reinenforce ur & my opinion about 2 days music!!!!!!
May I remind viewers that when she did the Yngwie Malmsteen cover BLITZKRIEG she was only 11 yrs old!!!!!!