Sure, Oli--a direct replay of that famous garrotting, including the long-standing beef that led to it, except that the Rosato brothers were the Gallos as aggressors, and Pentangeli was Profaci this time as the victim. No New Yorker of a certain age will ever forget the photo on p.1 of the Daily News showing Larry Gallo being led away from the Sahara Lounge in Brooklyn with a big red line on his neck.
I'm sure you remember from the novel that Puzo conflated Vito's rise as a replay of the Castellemmarese War of 1930-31, except that Vito's foe was "Maranzalla," and it included Capoe sending help to '"Maranzalla." In real life, Joe Masseria, who was allied with Capone, fought Salvatore Maranzano, who won by having Masseria assassinated whille lunching with supposedly trusted associates--i.e., "died with a mouthful of bread."