Center for Strategic and International Studies

Ukraine’s Offensive Operations: Shifting the Offense-Defense Balance
Figure 7: Multilayered Defenses North of Mykhailivka, Ukraine
Photo: Copyright © 2023 by Planet

Table of Contents
The Offense-Defense Balance
How Are Russia’s Defenses Organized?
What Obstacles Could a Ukrainian Offensive Face?
Lessons for Ukraine: Shifting the Advantage to the Offense
Next Steps

Chapter Five-Next Steps
The next phase of the war will hinge, in part, on the ability of Ukrainian forces to retake territory by moving from attrition to maneuver warfare and to shift the offense-defense balance in favor of the offense. As Napoleon wrote, “The strength of an army, like power in mechanics, is estimated by multiplying the mass by the velocity.”[52] A Ukrainian maneuver strategy places a premium on the second factor—velocity. Russian forces have attempted to shift the advantage to the defense and retain the territory they have conquered in Ukraine by constructing a formidable system of fortifications. But Russia faces several challenges in holding this territory, including weak ground forces that have not performed well on the battlefield, the need to defend a massive amount of territory, and variable construction of the fortifications.

This war is far from over. Western aid—including weapons systems, technology, training, intelligence, and financial support—will be critical over the long run to help Ukraine retake its territory and prevent Russia from invading again in the foreseeable future. The future trajectory of the war will also depend on whether Ukraine can exploit Russian vulnerabilities and effectively integrate technology, a clever strategy, force employment, nationalism, and other factors to turn the tide.