Indeed the most visible are the violent "baby gangs" but to reduce them to streetgangs you don't do the Camorra justice.

The Camorra and Politics

The Camorra's influence extends to Italian politics at all levels, from local to national. According to Behan, the Camorra has historically engaged in vote-buying, intimidation, and other forms of corruption to secure political power and influence decision-making. The Camorra's involvement in politics has also extended to the judiciary, with judges and prosecutors being targeted for assassination or intimidation. The "Clean Hands" investigation in the 1990s was a significant turning point in the fight against political corruption, resulting in the arrest of hundreds of politicians and businesspeople.

The Camorra and the Economy

The Camorra's role in the Italian economy is significant, with estimates suggesting that organized crime accounts for around 10% of the country's GDP. The Camorra has been involved in a variety of illegal activities, including drug trafficking, extortion, and money laundering. The Camorra's control over certain areas of Naples has allowed it to exert influence over legitimate businesses, with some businesses forced to pay protection money to the Camorra in order to operate.

The Camorra and Society

The Camorra's impact on Neapolitan society is pervasive, with some neighborhoods effectively controlled by the organization. The Camorra has been known to provide social services in areas underserved by the government, further entrenching its power and influence. The organization's activities have also contributed to the perpetuation of poverty and social inequality in Naples. According to Saviano, the Camorra has played a role in shaping Neapolitan culture and identity, with its influence extending to music, fashion, and other forms of popular culture.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"