Originally Posted by NYMafia
Confucius say...

'Haters only hate the things they can't have, and hate the people they know they could never be...It's a little thing known the world over as jealousy!"

And "The Other Guy" says...

"To always keep things in proper proportion, just consider the jealousy and verbal attacks generated by your haters as a measuring stick, a benchmark, and a part of the business, if you will. And, also always remember too, that the more haters you have, the better you're generally doing in life."

PS: I posted these up for all the jealous wash-women out there at that other forum, who also like to post on Reddit. These idiots spend nearly every waking moment of their sorry-ass lives, absolutely obsessed with trashing talking other posters (ButtonGuys, in particular) without any provocation from us whatsoever...unless, of course, their blind jealousy for our "talent' and "abilities" is provocation enough to spew constant lies, made out of whole cloth, and attack us incessantly?

What sad, sad little nothings you must be to stoop so low. Obviously, ButtonGuys (and Lisa and I, and now Toodoped as well) have completely moved in and taken over all the space in your heads (and clearly, there's a lot of open space up there)...And to think, we're not even paying any rent? LOL

. It’s unfortunate some have to trash talk without any reason. I miss the days where you could simply disagree yet be civil and have a enjoyable conversation without resorting to that