Originally Posted by VitoCahill
another confusing angle to this story and others of its like.

how is it that a member under indictment and quickly out on bail like zummo is not shelved immediately. were alarm bells not going off for the bonannos? zummo et al were facing up to 40 years for cocaine trafficking, made bail and back on street in 3 months and this guy is not shelved, even on the outside chance he had turned. from above gangland article it appears his coop agreement didnt get signed until december 2018.

instead of using this shelving process for petty reasons of not liking someone or some of the other odd reasons bosses have made in the past why not make it a mandatory 6 mths when on bail? perhaps this might not even work and could create same animosity and dislike for not being able to earn as it does today. but good lord try something new bonannos. the model is broken and needs a fix.

Maybe because the Bonanno boss is an idiot.