Hahahaha... I just can't resist, I must post it here: A banana, a penis and a cucumber are all sitting around one day and talking about life. Pretty soon, they get into a discussion of who has the hardest life. The banana says, "I definately have the hardest life, first they peel me, then they eat me slowly." The cucumber and penis protest. The cucumber says, "No way, my life is much worse than yours! First they wash me, then they peel me, then they cut me up, and THEN they eat me slowly." The penis is indignant. "Listen to this: every night some big hairy man takes me into a dark room, puts a raincoat on my head and bangs me against a wall until I throw up and pass out."

"If you did so good exposing us, Donnie, whyzit you and your family gotta live a coverup for the rest of your lives?"