Ambush of a offender and his sister, shots fired at the car
by Editorial Staff | 08/23/2023
Ambush with shooting in the street in Gela . Double attempted murder yesterday afternoon. Two young men aboard a scooter and with their faces covered by helmets fired at a car in which there were two people, a brother and a sister. When the two vehicles crossed at via Ruggero Settimo, the two young men on the scooter opened fire.

The wounded, fortunately slightly, reached the Vittorio Emanuele hospital in their own car. Salvatore Azzarelli, 46, with a history of mafia association, was shot in the thigh. The sister traveling alongside him, a 40-year-old woman, was allegedly grazed. The investigations conducted by the police officers of the Gela police station who are trying to trace the perpetrators.

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