When he was brought back from Mexico, in 1974 Giancana allegedly had meetings with top level members such as Cerone, Alex and Spilotro, which means he was either still active or wanted to get back in the game. I think its the second one mainly because Giancana didnt have any money at the time and even owed cash to his caretaker. Also, I personally cannot find any close connection or a meeting between Giancana and Accardo at the time, or even between Giancana and Aiuppa, which throws suspicion on the relationship between Giancana and the Outfits top boss.

According to numerous FBI reports, Giancana’s closest people at the time were obviously his family members, his caretaker, but also two of his old confidants such as Charles Inglesia a.k.a. English and Dominic Blasi. These fellas were always direct with him when he was the boss of the Outfit and allegedly remained like that even during his stay out of the country, but I personally believe that now their main job was to closely watch the former boss and report back to their current top administration.

According to Giancana’s caretaker, both fellas were instructed by their former boss to visit him during day time so the feds can notice them and that nothing was really going on, but if they wanted to talk business, during night time Giancana would’ve slipped through the back door of his basement kitchen and go wherever he wished.

Also, by looking at Giancana’s situation at the time, I believe that it was easier to kill the president of the United States rather than the retired Mob boss, since he, meaning Giancana, had more media and federal coverage than any other high level government official. Even though he was previously granted for the feds to stop following his every step, still his house was on constant surveillance from a close distance and the newspaper men followed him every where he went. So if someone wanted to get near Giancana and to execute the job, he had to be his loyal and trusted companion, and the Mafia was excellent in providing that kind people or forcing them to make such a move.

As I already said, Giancana’s caretaker stated that his boss owed him money for seven months and one time when he asked about it, which was one day before Giancana’s demise or June 18, 1975, and so the old boss assured him that he was going to have the money in few days and that he was going to get much more than that. So this means obviously that someone was filling Giancana’s mind with wishful thoughts, and I believe that those individuals were either Alex and Cerone, or Giancanas messengers English and Blasi.

Giancana also recently returned from a serious operation and so he couldn’t move much, which allegedly was the main reason for Blasi’s night visit at 11 PM on June 19, 1975. After arriving, Blasi was very nervous and immediately ordered for Giancana’s caretaker to bring him a bottle of scotch, which according to the caretaker, was something very rare for Blasi to do in Giancana’s house. This means that something was bothering Blasi and he needed to calm his nerves, since it wasn’t easy for him to kill his old boss, but above all, his old friend. And as for Giancana, it was his second day out of hospital and on top of that, he was getting old and possibly failed to recognize the signs.

Again according to the caretaker, Blasi began drinking heavily and didn’t say a word, while the caretaker and Giancana were looking at some broken water pipe. After that, or at 11:20 PM, the caretaker went upstairs and left the two men to talk and after watching TV for almost an hour, the caretaker looked from his window and noticed that Blasi’s car was gone from the driveway which means that he took off. So the caretaker decided to visit his boss downstairs and when he opened the kitchen door, he was stunned by the situation since Giancana was lying on the floor with his face up and a huge pool of blood under his head and neck.

At first the investigators found six .22 caliber pistol casings and later a seventh one, which means that Giancana was shot one time at the back of his right ear, which was the shot that brought him down on the ground and possibly killed him, but his assassin had to make sure that the old boss was dead by placing the gun in the area under the chin and close to the neck and fired six more rounds. Many people say that the six shots were in fact a Mafia “message” but that’s completely false since that’s the area where the bullets can easily penetrate the skull and enter the brain. Whoever did the job had to make sure that the boss was dead but the confusing thing was that Giancana’s wallet was out of his pockets and laid beside him.

So we can obviously rule out that somebody went for the money since they found $1400 in his pockets, but the question remains on what was in Giancana’s wallet which made the assassin to search for. According to Giancana’s caretaker and also closest family friends, the late boss almost never took out his wallet in front of other people since he always carried his money in his pockets instead of his wallet, which in turn he always used it only for credit cards and important paper slips. Allegedly Giancana had some paper sheet in it, possibly with some kind of unknown and dangerous information which was later missing from that same wallet. The Chicago Outfit allegedly ordered and also executed the contract killing on Giancana, with Blasi in the role as hitman.

There was also a huge corruption involved in the case, since nobody ever saw or heard anything that night, while the whole world was watching over Giancan’s Oak Park home that same evening when the murder occurred. The cops knew it was Blasi because later they found the gun, which was allegedly provided by Angelo LaPietra or Calabrese Sr, on the same road or path which Blasi drove his car that same night after he left Giancanas residence. Blasi was a professional killer and throwing the gun on the side of road like that, means that Blasi was probably in panic and wasnt thinking straight because of the amount of booze in his blood. Thats why I dont believe in the testimony that LaPietra allegedly disposed the gun in such a foolish way.

As for Accardo personally killing Giancana....lol i find that quite funny and please dont believe Calabrese Jr.s every word. Imagine a 70 year old man hiding under the table and "BANG" Lol lol Theres no way that Accardo wouldve jeopartized his life and security over a "simple" hit.

Mongol General: Conan, what is best in life?

Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.