MaryCas is psuedonym of course. I was not internet savvy when I joined the Gangster BB; my first and only internet affiliation (are there others?? ). I chose MaryCas to be unidentifiable and untraceable. I didn't want any identity theft or internet stalkers (paranoid you say?). I figured using a feminie name would really throw people off. I originally used the Mama Corleone avatar. In the beginning of my membership I made sure to make my response non-gender specific. It became a game to see if people responded to me as if I was a female. There were a few. plaw asked me out on a date and Geoff wanted to know my measurements (only kidding). Soon I realized that the board and the internet were "safe". Then I revealed my identity, changed my avatar (not a self portrait), and even posted some pictures. A long explanation, but MaryCas is my mother in law.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12