The month of October has been officially designated “Italian Heritage Month.”
And since ButtonGuys most often delves into all things about “Italian” organized crime with stories about Cosa Nostra, Mafia, N’drangheta and Camorra, we thought it might be nice, and refreshing, to also take a look at the flip side of the coin, the so-called ying-yang of the Italians as a people.
So, with that in mind, during the month of October we will explore the rich culture and some of the positive contributions Italians have made to the world. From their storied history to their culture such as cutting-edge Italian fashion, art, movie stars and world renowned gastronomical expertise.
Most importantly, we will also explore the close “family” unit that they are so famous for the world over. No, not that one! Lol. But the actual blood family that has always been at the very core of who they are as a people…and their unique mindset.
For the Italians, everything centers around their family. It is a source of both strength and pride for them. It "IS" who they are!
This family-centric mindset, of course, is what also eventually gave birth to what is widely considered throughout the world to be the most successful and pervasive organized crime network to ever exist. (It is also the very reason why this forum, and others like it, even exist in the first place.)
This new series will explore how this unique mindset developed through the millennia, and, subsequently, how it shapes nearly everything they do and how it affects Italy and the world to this very day.
With that in mind, ButtonGuys will present interesting stories we think best describes and explains my people…the Italians.
We think their storied history and rich culture will make for some interesting reading and open up a whole new viewpoint for our members. And since it is “Italian Heritage Month,” we could think of no better time to launch this series.
ButtonGuys feels this is important to temper our normal journalistic leanings to “level the playing field” so to speak. To show, not only their influence on organized crime, but also the countless positive contributions the Italian people have contributed to the world as well.
So, with that said, over the next few weeks ButtonGuys invites everyone to hop aboard as we delve into all things Italian and Sicilian. We hope you like it!
Good idea and I think that I already have few stories.
Thats great TD. I look forward to reading those stories you mentioned. I also encourage others to post up as well. I think it will be nice...and the right thing to do.
I also think it'll be refreshing instead of the same redundant, tired-old threads all the time.
Did you know that the United States is Italy's largest non-EU export market?
NIAF is proud to showcase the enduring bond between our two nations this Italian Heritage Month. Stay tuned as we continue to celebrate the cultural, culinary, and economic ties that unite us!
Great idea! Look forward to reading stories from fellow paisan’s!
Glad you agree Jimmy. And I think you're really gonna enjoy some of the posts we'll be adding to this thread in the coming days. It will make you proud to be Italian. And don't be bashful either! If you have something you'd like to add, by all means, do so! --
Please Take Note: Whether or not you happen to come from an Italian bloodline, as far as ButtonGuys is concerned, ALL our fellow forum members are "honorary" Italians during the month of October.
So we encourage everyone to participate in this thread. In fact, the more the merrier! We really think it'll add to everyone's fun and enjoyment.
Talk about your favorite Italian food, family memory while growing up, street festa, Italian actor or sports figure, etc. Let's make this fun!
One of the most famous popular Italian songs the world over is "Volare"
It has certainly been one of my all-time favorites since I was a young boy. I'm sure that most of you are also familiar with this iconic song. Here are the lyrics in both Italian and English....
Volare, oh oh Cantare, oh oh oh oh Let's fly way up to the clouds Away from the maddening crowds We can sing in the glow of a star that I know of Where lovers enjoy peace of mind Let us leave the confusion and all disillusion behind Just like bird of a feather, a rainbow together we'll find Volare, oh oh E contare, oh oh oh oh No wonder my happy heart sings Your love has given me wings Penso che un sogno cosi non ritorni mai piu Mi dipingi con le mani e la faccia di blu Poi d'improvviso venivo dal veneto rapito E incominciavo a volare nel cielo infinito
Volare, oh oh E contare, oh oh oh oh Nel blu, dipinto di blu E ci dice di stare lassu E volavo, volavo felice piu in alto del sole con coro piu su Mentre il mondo pian piano spariva lontano laggiu Una musica dolce suonava soltanto per me
Volare, oh oh E cantare, oh oh oh oh No wonder my happy heart sings Your love has given me wings Nel blu, dipinto di blu Fenite di stare lassu
The niaf is a bunch of nit wits. They won't do much for you even if you are a member and have some black lady answer the phone and bs you. Wish we did have a month and if you do a story do one on Garibaldi and how he turned Lincoln down to lead the union because Lincoln wouldn't declare that slavery should be abolished. Facts. Also a John brown Garibaldi connection would be interesting
Last edited by Andragathia; 10/03/2301:56 PM.
Re: New Series: October is “Italian Heritage Month”
[Re: NYMafia]
#1070910 10/03/2304:31 PM10/03/2304:31 PM
The niaf is a bunch of nit wits. They won't do much for you even if you are a member and have some black lady answer the phone and bs you. Wish we did have a month and if you do a story do one on Garibaldi and how he turned Lincoln down to lead the union because Lincoln wouldn't declare that slavery should be abolished. Facts. Also a John brown Garibaldi connection would be interesting
I hear ya Andragathia. Not that I'm a big follower of NIAF, I only pulled that particular article off their site for us. Truth be told, I really don't know that much about them.
But as far as Garibaldi and Lincoln goes, it sounds like you're familiar with that particular storyline. So please, by all means, write something about it for us or post the particular story that speaks of that incident. It sounds very interesting to me and I'm sure there are many others here that would enjoy reading about it as well.
Although he died over 450 years ago, Michelangelo remains one of the most famous artists of all time. As one of the masters of the Italian Renaissance, his paintings and sculptures are still used today as examples of this fruitful time in history.
While his frescoes in the Sistine Chapel are certainly a large part of his legacy, Michelangelo always considered himself a sculptor rather than a painter. Over a long and rich career that spanned nearly seven decades, he produced stunning marble sculptures that have inspired artists for centuries.
Heres my own project regarding the history of Italian cuisine in the U.S. and around the world and btw, this info is taken from one of my old mob articles. Enjoy.
The Italian cuisine is one of the oldest in the world, with roots which are stretching to antiquity, and through those many centuries of social and political changes, it has developed into something so simple, but yet quite so magnificent. According to some history books, the Italian food which we know of today, allegedly started to form after the fall of the Roman Empire, when different cities began to separate and form their own traditional meals, which in fact were quite similar. Quite different types of styles and variations in cooking techniques and preparations were used like for example, the north of Italy is known for its “risottos”, or the central part of the country is known for its “tortellini” and the southern part is famous for its “pizzas” and “spaghettis”, but generally all over the territory you can find good sea food. The whole thing even became more popular when many Italians began migrating to the so-called “New World” during the late 1800’s and early 1900’s and managed to heavily influence many of the local cuisines.
For example, in Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina and Mexico we can easily spot the Italian influence in their traditional meals and according to many historical reports, these were the main places where this cuisine was and still is mostly appreciated. But the interesting thing is that in the U.S.A., much of the Italian cuisine is based on that which can be found around the southern part of Italy, including Sicily. Obviously by now the original Italian cuisine is heavily "Americanized", mainly because of the local ingredients and different styles of preparing the meals around the U.S.
Many historians say that the trend toward Italian food actually started at the beginning of the 20th century as the Italian immigrants settled themselves in the U.S. and began offering their main specialities. For example, one of the earliest Italian dishes, allegedly created in the U.S., is Chicken Tetrazzini, which in fact was made in honour of Luisa Tetrazzini, the operatic soprano known as The Florentine Nightingale. Or the famous Muffuletta Sandwich, named after the Sicilian muffuliette baked rolls, and Chicago’s Italian Beef Sandwich which was invented by Italian immigrants who worked at Chicago's old Union Stock Yards during the early 1900’s.
Legend goes that the workers would often bring home some of the tougher, less desirable cuts of beef sold by the company. To make the meat more palatable, it was slow-roasted to make it more tender, and then slow-simmered in a spicy broth for flavour. The meat was then thinly sliced across the grain and stuffed into fresh Italian bread and there it was. The thing is that most of these were cheap meals made for the everyday people, who did not have the money to sit in a restaurant on daily basis. But for the people with deep pockets, there were the finest Italian cooks, in the finest Italian restaurants.
Back home, or should I say in Italy the milk production mainly consists of sheep, goats and cows, but in reality most of the cheese is produced from cow's milk rather than from goat's milk, even though there are more goats than cows in the country. Certain Italian cheese products which were made in ancient times were still made during the 20th century and even today. Story goes that some of the better-known ones are made from cow's milk, including Ragusano, which is a product with mild flavour and the recipe comes from the province of Ragusa located in southeastern Sicily, or Provola, which comes from various Sicilian regions such as Nebrodi or Madonie, and is usually served in tasty smoked form, or even Caciocavallo which is also made from cow's milk but it has quite funny, confusing and at the same time cryptic name that literally means "horse cheese".
Many of the more successful Italians began opening their own grocery shops, bars and restaurants, with food, ingredients and all types of products imported from back home, which were able to endure the long transportation. You see, some of the more thoughtful Italians also quickly realized or they already knew that with the help of their tasty cuisine, they can easily attract individuals from the highest levels of America’s society and make their own dreams come true.
Mongol General: Conan, what is best in life?
Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.
Re: New Series: October is “Italian Heritage Month”
[Re: Toodoped]
#1070970 10/04/2305:29 AM10/04/2305:29 AM
Heres my own project regarding the history of Italian cuisine in the U.S. and around the world and btw, this info is taken from one of my old mob articles. Enjoy.
The Italian cuisine is one of the oldest in the world, with roots which are stretching to antiquity, and through those many centuries of social and political changes, it has developed into something so simple, but yet quite so magnificent. According to some history books, the Italian food which we know of today, allegedly started to form after the fall of the Roman Empire, when different cities began to separate and form their own traditional meals, which in fact were quite similar. Quite different types of styles and variations in cooking techniques and preparations were used like for example, the north of Italy is known for its “risottos”, or the central part of the country is known for its “tortellini” and the southern part is famous for its “pizzas” and “spaghettis”, but generally all over the territory you can find good sea food. The whole thing even became more popular when many Italians began migrating to the so-called “New World” during the late 1800’s and early 1900’s and managed to heavily influence many of the local cuisines.
For example, in Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina and Mexico we can easily spot the Italian influence in their traditional meals and according to many historical reports, these were the main places where this cuisine was and still is mostly appreciated. But the interesting thing is that in the U.S.A., much of the Italian cuisine is based on that which can be found around the southern part of Italy, including Sicily. Obviously by now the original Italian cuisine is heavily "Americanized", mainly because of the local ingredients and different styles of preparing the meals around the U.S.
Many historians say that the trend toward Italian food actually started at the beginning of the 20th century as the Italian immigrants settled themselves in the U.S. and began offering their main specialities. For example, one of the earliest Italian dishes, allegedly created in the U.S., is Chicken Tetrazzini, which in fact was made in honour of Luisa Tetrazzini, the operatic soprano known as The Florentine Nightingale. Or the famous Muffuletta Sandwich, named after the Sicilian muffuliette baked rolls, and Chicago’s Italian Beef Sandwich which was invented by Italian immigrants who worked at Chicago's old Union Stock Yards during the early 1900’s.
Legend goes that the workers would often bring home some of the tougher, less desirable cuts of beef sold by the company. To make the meat more palatable, it was slow-roasted to make it more tender, and then slow-simmered in a spicy broth for flavour. The meat was then thinly sliced across the grain and stuffed into fresh Italian bread and there it was. The thing is that most of these were cheap meals made for the everyday people, who did not have the money to sit in a restaurant on daily basis. But for the people with deep pockets, there were the finest Italian cooks, in the finest Italian restaurants.
Back home, or should I say in Italy the milk production mainly consists of sheep, goats and cows, but in reality most of the cheese is produced from cow's milk rather than from goat's milk, even though there are more goats than cows in the country. Certain Italian cheese products which were made in ancient times were still made during the 20th century and even today. Story goes that some of the better-known ones are made from cow's milk, including Ragusano, which is a product with mild flavour and the recipe comes from the province of Ragusa located in southeastern Sicily, or Provola, which comes from various Sicilian regions such as Nebrodi or Madonie, and is usually served in tasty smoked form, or even Caciocavallo which is also made from cow's milk but it has quite funny, confusing and at the same time cryptic name that literally means "horse cheese".
Many of the more successful Italians began opening their own grocery shops, bars and restaurants, with food, ingredients and all types of products imported from back home, which were able to endure the long transportation. You see, some of the more thoughtful Italians also quickly realized or they already knew that with the help of their tasty cuisine, they can easily attract individuals from the highest levels of America’s society and make their own dreams come true.
This is a very interesting article TD, and an excellent contribution to this thread. Thank you pal.
Established in 1989 through a joint proclamation by the U.S. Congress and President George H. W. Bush, Italian Heritage Month is a dedicated celebration that honors the substantial contributions made by Italian Americans to both the United States and the global stage throughout our rich history.
Today, it is estimated that there are over 26 million Americans of Italian descent residing in the country, solidifying Italian Americans as the fifth largest ethnic group in the United States.
Throughout the month of October, stay engaged as NAIF guides you on a journey of Italian and Italian American history and culture! Each day, we will shine our spotlight on a new reason to celebrate Italian heritage and culture in America!
What is your favorite thing about Italian culture? Let us know. - ThesonsanddaughtersofItaly
The Italian physicist, inventor, and academic naturalized American Enrico Fermi!
Born in Rome, Italy in 1901, Fermi is best known for his work in nuclear physics. Fermi was the creator of the world's first nuclear reactor, the Chicago Pile-1 while he was working on the Manhattan Project during WWII. He has been called the "architect of the nuclear age" and the "architect of the atomic bomb." In 1938, he received the Nobel Prize for physics, for "the identification of new elements of radioactivity and the discovery of nuclear reactions by slow neutrons." In fact, to honor Fermi's research, an element on the periodic table was named after him: fermio (symbol Fm)!
We proudly recognize the technological advancements that stem from this global Italian diaspora.
Heres my own project regarding the history of Italian cuisine in the U.S. and around the world and btw, this info is taken from one of my old mob articles. Enjoy.
The Italian cuisine is one of the oldest in the world, with roots which are stretching to antiquity, and through those many centuries of social and political changes, it has developed into something so simple, but yet quite so magnificent. According to some history books, the Italian food which we know of today, allegedly started to form after the fall of the Roman Empire, when different cities began to separate and form their own traditional meals, which in fact were quite similar. Quite different types of styles and variations in cooking techniques and preparations were used like for example, the north of Italy is known for its “risottos”, or the central part of the country is known for its “tortellini” and the southern part is famous for its “pizzas” and “spaghettis”, but generally all over the territory you can find good sea food. The whole thing even became more popular when many Italians began migrating to the so-called “New World” during the late 1800’s and early 1900’s and managed to heavily influence many of the local cuisines.
For example, in Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina and Mexico we can easily spot the Italian influence in their traditional meals and according to many historical reports, these were the main places where this cuisine was and still is mostly appreciated. But the interesting thing is that in the U.S.A., much of the Italian cuisine is based on that which can be found around the southern part of Italy, including Sicily. Obviously by now the original Italian cuisine is heavily "Americanized", mainly because of the local ingredients and different styles of preparing the meals around the U.S.
Many historians say that the trend toward Italian food actually started at the beginning of the 20th century as the Italian immigrants settled themselves in the U.S. and began offering their main specialities. For example, one of the earliest Italian dishes, allegedly created in the U.S., is Chicken Tetrazzini, which in fact was made in honour of Luisa Tetrazzini, the operatic soprano known as The Florentine Nightingale. Or the famous Muffuletta Sandwich, named after the Sicilian muffuliette baked rolls, and Chicago’s Italian Beef Sandwich which was invented by Italian immigrants who worked at Chicago's old Union Stock Yards during the early 1900’s.
Legend goes that the workers would often bring home some of the tougher, less desirable cuts of beef sold by the company. To make the meat more palatable, it was slow-roasted to make it more tender, and then slow-simmered in a spicy broth for flavour. The meat was then thinly sliced across the grain and stuffed into fresh Italian bread and there it was. The thing is that most of these were cheap meals made for the everyday people, who did not have the money to sit in a restaurant on daily basis. But for the people with deep pockets, there were the finest Italian cooks, in the finest Italian restaurants.
Back home, or should I say in Italy the milk production mainly consists of sheep, goats and cows, but in reality most of the cheese is produced from cow's milk rather than from goat's milk, even though there are more goats than cows in the country. Certain Italian cheese products which were made in ancient times were still made during the 20th century and even today. Story goes that some of the better-known ones are made from cow's milk, including Ragusano, which is a product with mild flavour and the recipe comes from the province of Ragusa located in southeastern Sicily, or Provola, which comes from various Sicilian regions such as Nebrodi or Madonie, and is usually served in tasty smoked form, or even Caciocavallo which is also made from cow's milk but it has quite funny, confusing and at the same time cryptic name that literally means "horse cheese".
Many of the more successful Italians began opening their own grocery shops, bars and restaurants, with food, ingredients and all types of products imported from back home, which were able to endure the long transportation. You see, some of the more thoughtful Italians also quickly realized or they already knew that with the help of their tasty cuisine, they can easily attract individuals from the highest levels of America’s society and make their own dreams come true.
Awesome TD!!!
Re: New Series: October is “Italian Heritage Month”
[Re: NYMafia]
#1071020 10/04/2306:36 PM10/04/2306:36 PM