The daughter of Matteo Messina Denaro's lover arrested
The girl whom the fugitive godfather considered like a daughter is under house arrest

Published on: 05/12/2023 – 10:45

The ROS carabinieri arrested Martina Gentile, daughter of the teacher Laura Bonafede, on charges of aiding and abetting and failing to comply with the sentence, the woman who for years was romantically linked to the boss Matteo Messina Denaro.
With regard to the girl, whom the fugitive godfather considered like a daughter, the Prosecutor's Office had already requested her precautionary custody in prison, but the investigating judge did not consider that there were sufficient clues. In light of the new investigative material collected by the Carabinieri, the judge has now ordered the suspect to be placed under house arrest.

The investigations
In the records of the investigation that led to the arrest of Martina Gentile, one of the abettors of Matteo Messina Denaro's fugitive, there are a series of images taken by the police months before the boss's capture on January 16th. In the frames of a video from 17 December 2022, now re-analysed by the carabinieri, the boss's car is seen passing at 10.59 in front of the house of Gentile and her mother Laura Bonafede - both were followed and intercepted by the police engaged in the search for the godfather, – and slow down in front of the door. Scenes immortalized which, however, did not make the investigators suspicious. The analysis of the images carried out by the carabinieri and the pizzini in which Gentile's mother Laura Bonafede, romantically linked to Messina Denaro, recounts the joy she felt in seeing the boss pass by in the car even just for an instant, confirms that while driving the Alfa video cameras there was the wanted godfather.
The exchange of Messina Denaro pizzini between Martina Gentile, arrested today for aiding and abetting the mafia boss, and Lorena Lanceri, one of the boss's women, who ended up in handcuffs in recent months, would have taken place in the architectural studio of the former urban planning councilor of Campobello di Mazara, Stefano Tramonte, where the two women worked. This is one of the details that emerged in the ROS investigation that led to Gentile's arrest. The architect, who resigned in recent months, is under investigation.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"