Originally Posted by MeyerLansky
Originally Posted by Toodoped
Stay strong bud. As men, we should be able to "chew out" all of the pressure and horror which is constantly trying to occupy our thoughts and mind on daily basis. I know some will say "its easy for you to say", well its not because I have many friends who went through the same bloody situations and as a medical doctor, Ive also seen lots of horrific stuff. Again, I know its tough but try to stay strong and also try to ignore all of the horror. I know its a different mindset but you have to try it. Cheers

thank you very much !

You're always welcome brave man and as I can see, most of us are supporting you. BUT by the end of the day no matter what happens with the state and the whole conflict, sill DONT forget your family and your mental stability (something which I previously mentioned). Cheers again bud and stay strong and safe.

Mongol General: Conan, what is best in life?

Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.