Excellent movie-fact based analysis' with articulate new takes as well

If -- it'd be good for the family, Why did Fredo need something in it for me -- on my own, to help out?
Michael: You believed that story? You believed that? [We don't! either]

Besides as Evita posted “He was not involved in their big deal together So what little help he could give -- inconceivable” indeed

Originally Posted by Evita
I reckon, Fredo dissembled or otherwise -- It [his little help arguably opening the drapes --] was to identify Michael's bedroom for the hit
Originally Posted by Lou_Para
Although he says he didn't know it was going to be a hit, then what purpose was opening the drapes going to accomplish?

how in the hell does opening the drapes serve that purpose? [Mike was being "tough on the negotiations"]

Sure thing Turnbull whether Fredo dissembled or not -- He let his greed for what he thought he deserved close his eyes, ears and mind to what would inevitably happen as a result of his "help."

  • Why didn't Fredo help Michael out instead of telling lie after lie from claiming to not know Roth and Ola
  • Why was Fredo withholding information “he knew until after Michael perjured himself" [even though it made no difference whatsoever to Michael's defense]

Fredo's credibility if any shot to pieces

Sure thing Evita "No bigger shot and respect than Don Fredo Corleone" indeed

Well put Lou, Fredo seething with jealousy, resentment -- the idea of helping get rid of Mike is not so far-fetched.
and you are right Sadly neither brother achieved his goal even with trying to kill / killing the other one