Mafia, in Caltanissetta the carabinieri hit Niscemi's family: they were planning murder
December 21, 2023

(LaPresse) Anti-mafia blitz by the Carabinieri coordinated by the District Anti-Mafia Directorate of Caltanissetta against the Niscemi family, active in that area through the commission, among other things, of multiple crimes against the person and against property, as well as in the of possession of firearms. A precautionary custody order was carried out against 29 people. In particular, on the basis of the serious indications found by the investigating judge during the preliminary investigations, the planned (and almost carried out) murder of an entrepreneur who, years earlier, had reported an extortion attempt. The alleged execution of this murder was blocked thanks also to the careful monitoring by the Carabinieri coordinated by the District Anti-Mafia Directorate of Caltanissetta.